Simatex news

Open admissions! Welcome to Sechenov University!

If you want to receive a world-class quality medical education, SIMATEX cordially invites you to study at Sechenov University.

About 19 thousand students and more than 3 thousand foreign citizens from 83 countries worldwide study at Sechenov University. Spirited students come from Malaysia, China, Syria, India, Iran, Brazil, as well as other Asian, African and South American countries.

The celebrated university is engaged in various pioneering research and scientific activities. The university has several sophisticated clinics and an advanced biomedical science and technology park. All students are actively involved in professional practice and science starting from their first year.

Specialties at the university:
  • General Medicine.
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Bioengineering and bioinformatics
  • Clinical psychology
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Pediatrics

Applications are accepted via mail:

Study in Russia
+7 (903) 130-68-65
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