Simatex news

Meeting of Indian students as first-year students at Chuvash State University

The adept SIMATEX team and reliable partner company SRS from India co-organized a celebratory meeting of Indian students as first-year students at Chuvash State University.

The glorious event itself took place in the dazzling central restaurant in Cheboksary. The event was well-attended by honoured guest artists along with the creative performances by Indian undergraduate students.

Energetic first-year students were wished for an amazing & interesting study experience and good luck on their professional career path. The best students were awarded medals and gifts for their academic success & hard work.

As always, we will continue to support our international students, especially when they freshly arrive to an unfamiliar country for the first time.

 All you have to do is just contact and communicate us via social media to find out for more information:

 Study in Russia

 +7 (903) 130-68-65
2022-04-25 12:00 Simatex EN