Simatex news

Date of establishment and foundation of ChuvSU University anniversary

The notable and reliable partner university of the SIMATEX company is celebrating it's 55th grand anniversary in this year.

During these incredible and wonderful years, the Chuvash State University has undergone radical and enormous changes: the number of faculties and departments has doubled, the number of academic buildings and hostels has grown and increased exponentially, the number of students has tripled significantly.

As of today, about 19,000 students from 50 different countries around the globe come to pursue their education in ChuvSU. The university has achieved a strong position in ratings of Russian universities with a high utmost level of education.

SIMATEX is a permanent and trustworthy partner of ChuvSU in attracting international students. The university has a preparatory department which is specialized for foreign students, where they will focus and learn the Russian language, Russian culture, and discover about the interesting and exciting life in Russia. ChuvSU is committed to train competent specialists in a variety of professions and university graduates has successfully worked in numerous professional fields all over the world.
2022-02-04 14:00 Simatex EN