Simatex news

A laboratory of bionic systems has opened at Sechenov University

A laboratory of bionic systems has been established at Sechenov University, a trusty partner university of Simatex.

This is the sole Russia's Laboratory for Controlled Bionic Systems, which will train bionics precisely - the developers of modern neuroprostheses, energy storage devices, and smart clothes. In September this year, perspicacious students of the bachelor's and master's program "Material Science and Technology of Materials" and "Nanomaterials" will get involved in groundbreaking scientific research at the futuristic Laboratory of the University.

The ambitious students' participation in the pronounced Laboratory projects will allow them to obtain enhanced skills, which are most sought-after and coveted by superior employers of high-tech medical companies today.

SIMATEX actively attracts international students to chase after their study dream at Sechenov University.

Send applications to us by e-mail:

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2022-08-09 12:00 Simatex EN