Simatex news

Simatex results at the exhibition of the Russian education in Tashkent

In Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, the international exhibition-fair "Russian Education 2022" was conducted in which SIMATEX also participated.

Particulary this year, the exhibition was well attended by a record-high number of celebrated Russian universities - 56. In this regard, the enormous fair was delightfully visited by a large number of people.

"Cooperation in the field of education will actively develop and sustainable, the number of branches of Russian universities in Uzbekistan will grow, their quality will improve, the number of students will rise, the exchange of students, graduate students, researchers will be continuing endlessly," said Oleg Malginov, Russian Ambassador to Uzbekistan.

The honourable diplomat also highlighted that graduates of Russian universities make a significant contribution to the country's development and flourishing. According to him, cooperation in the field of education between Russia and Uzbekistan will develop dramatically.

SIMATEX sincerely invites citizens of Uzbekistan to study in Russia.

Applications are accepted via mail:

Study in Russia
+7 (903) 130-68-65_
2022-09-27 10:00 Simatex EN