Simatex news

RUDN university have successfully graduated international students

In 2022, RUDN Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, a committed partner university of SIMATEX, have successfully graduated more than 1000 students around the globe.

A tremendous and enormous graduation celebration for students was held in the advanced main building of RUDN University at the end of June, all smart students were wholeheartedly congratulated by the rector of the university and the teaching staff, especially the top graduates who the university is extremely proud of their huge success and splendid achievements were noted.

A multitude of this year's graduates were from various countries such as: China, South Africa, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The most sought-after and popular subjects by number of graduates were: law, linguistics, medicine, economics, management and international relations.

The well known RUDN University is ranked in the top of the best universities of Russia.
Every year, the University drastically improves it's ranking positions among the outstanding universities of Central and Eastern Asia, as well as among the BRICS countries.

You can apply to study at RUDN on the website instantly.

Study in Russia
+7 (903) 130-68-65
2022-07-08 11:00 Simatex EN