Simatex news

Spring is a fabulous and perfect time to think about your future

Spring is a fabulous and perfect time to think about your future. Decide on an inspiring & esteemed university, which will unlock many golden opportunities to realize your professional career path.

Now in well known Russian universities, you can select any profession that is in demand & most desired in the global labour market. The most interesting & sought-after programs for foreign citizens in Russia are medicine, economics and management, as well as humanities.

SIMATEX proudly announces the new intake of foreign citizens who take a fancy to study in the best universities of Russia. On our comprehensive website SIMATEX.NET , you can easily apply for education.

Also subscribe to our social networks, we are always reachable and open to any kind of questions:
Study in Russia
+7 (903) 130-68-65
2022-05-06 10:11 Simatex EN