Simatex news

Оnline platform hosted the virtual educational fair Study in Russia

On 14th and 15th September, 2022 the online platform graciously hosted the virtual educational fair Study in Russia.

The project is organised by the Russian University of Friendship (RUDN University, a partner university of SIMATEX) with the powerful support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Active participation in the virtual educational exhibition was the perfect start of the admission campaign for the 30 esteemed Russian universities. Each famed university was given the golden opportunity to:

  • test & experience the specially designed virtual platform

  • communicate effectively with potential applicants via online chat

  • join a series of thematic webinars (Preparatory faculty, Bachelor+Specialist Degree, Master Degree, Postgraduate Studies)

More than 1,000 potential applicants and their caring parents from different countries delightedly attended the fair.

Join the marvellous project again in November!

Study in Russia!
2022-09-20 10:00 Simatex EN