Simatex news

January 25 - Student Day celebrating in Russia

On the 25th of January, the Students' Day is commemorated and celebrated annually in Russia in accordance with the Presidential Decree.

SIMATEX company would like to congratulate you on this special and joyous occasion of the students' Day from the bottom of the heart. We genuinely wish our students great accomplishments in their studies, robust health, great fortune and inspiration!

Let the meaningful years of studies be the most brightest pages in your life! Let your dreams during your student years to be the most fascinating years in your wonderful life and everything goes smoothly to unlock more achievements ahead of you.

Wish you have met many interesting acquaintances, loyal friends and genuine feelings. Let your relatives be proud of you and let your remarkable achievements be known to the whole world one day!

2022-01-25 09:24 Simatex EN