Simatex news

Simatex presented Virtual Educational Fairs.

16th of November SIMATEX company gladly participated in the annual Meeting of Vice-Rectors for International Affairs of prestigious Russian Universities at RUDN University.

SIMATEX spoke on the vital topic:
as an effective and efficient tool to attract international applicants to pursue their study in Russia.

International students across the globe can communicate directly with experienced official university representatives through live chat, video and audio calls. They could find the suitable & precise university based on strategic location, majors offered, levels of training, medium of language, readily available programs, affordable tuition costs, well-equipped infrastructure, and comfortable dormitories.

By the end of the year 2022, the number of first class universities participating in the exhibition was more than 70.
At the same instant, the number of visitors from 40 countries around the globe has exceeded 6000 people.

Virtual educational exhibitions of SIMATEX have been relentless in promoting worthy Russian state universities to foreign citizens that interested in finest education. The number of participating top-level universities as well as the number of visitors from different countries are constantly growing. This is undoubtedly the wonderful result of the company's interest in the grand project.

Our creative & detailed presentation managed to grab attention of the participants in the Meeting of Vice-Rectors for International Affairs of Russian Universities at the RUDN.

We wholeheartedly invite you to pay attention to the announcements of our education fairs and join our next event.

Study in Russia
2022-11-18 10:00 Simatex EN