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Peoples' Friendship University of Russia delighted to celebrate it's 62nd anniversary

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is thrilled and delighted to celebrate it's 62nd anniversary this year.

The trusty and reputable partner of SIMATEX, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia RUDN honourably celebrated its birthday. SIMATEX cordially congratulates the university and appreciates you for your long-term cooperation and collaboration.
The university was initially founded on 5th February 1960 as an international university in Russia. Throughout 62 years, RUDN University has attained the position of a world-class multidisciplinary research university.

Approximately 33,000 students from 160 different countries around the world today study at distinguished RUDN University. Currently, there are more than 8 thousand foreign students pursue their studies at the university, and the number of countries where students come from is constantly climbing & increasing. In RUDN University, China comes first amid the overseas countries, then the next countries in the following sequences are Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan, South Africa, Namibia, Nigeria, Syria, Mongolia and Ecuador. Among the CIS countries, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Moldova are in the lead.

The most prioritized and pioneering area of training is medicine, the specialties “General Medicine” and “Dentistry” are most favoured and in great demand. According to the criterion of "Quality of Education", RUDN University is ranked in the top 100 Russian universities.
2022-02-10 15:00 Simatex EN