Simatex news

Reminder of visa extension deadlines and rules for international students

SIMATEX amiably reminds that we are currently extending visas, the terms of which will expire before 31th July 2022.
We kindly ask the students to be punctual and bring documents for visa extension starting at 14:00 until 17:00, from Monday to Friday. Before submission, you are required to make copies of your documents in advance.

We also would like to inform you that foreign citizens who entered Russia after 29th December, 2021 are compulsory to make a mandatory state fingerprint registration, as well as a medical examination for legal stay in the territory of the Russian Federation.
!For dactyloscopy student need a notarized copy of passport translation!

A precise list of clinics for medical examinations can be obtained from SIMATEX.

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 +7 (903) 130-68-65
2022-05-18 12:00 Simatex EN