Simatex news

May 9 is an important and glorious holiday in Russia, Victory Day!

May 9 is an important and glorious holiday in Russia, Victory Day! It is a meaningful day symbolizes glory and defense of the homeland.

Russia always cherishes and keeps the memory of war heroes, as well as memories of the past war in their mind. Every single Russian family has courageous stories that are related to the Great Patriotic War, so the events of the past manage to bring people together in a special way. Every single foreign citizen feels this positive energy of unity of the people on Victory Day. Russia is a multinational & diverse country, people are not divided by religion, skin color or the shape of their eyes. The memory of the honoured heroes has the same history of the country, it is particularly important for every person living in Russia no matter what nationality he/she is.

SIMATEX would like to congratulate Russian citizens from the bottom of our heart on this significant holiday. May the unity of Russia always be blessed & protected. We sincerely wish eternal & everlasting peace in the Russian land and soil.
2022-05-09 09:00 Simatex EN