Simatex news

Happy Orthodox New Year once again, friends!

1st of January was the beginning of the new year by decree of the Great Peter. Peter decreed to decorate all the houses with alluring pine branches and contentedly greet everyone with "Happy New Year!"

In Russia, because of the formal transition to the Gregorian calendar, the New Year is nationally celebrated before Christmas, when Orthodox believers are fasting.

The Russian churches did not shift to the Gregorian calendar. As a result, Russia has extra one more holiday, Old New Year (January 13-14, according to the old calendar), and Orthodox people are not restricted by the fasting on that specific day. The appetising feast on Old New Year's Eve is a festive and fabulous day for Orthodox people in Russia.

Happy New Year once again, friends!

Study in Russia
2023-01-13 13:44 Simatex EN