Simatex news

SIMATEX hostels are readily available and open for incoming students

For the students come to study in Russia, the question of accommodation is very crucial & important.

SIMATEX has several exceptional hostels with proper accommodation and perfect for self-study.

Our hostels are strategically located near the subway, within a safe area of the city with a modern and developed infrastructure. A completely isolated and separated territory with their own security, a reassurance and guarantee that there are no strangers allowed in the dormitories without authorisation.

The rooms have basically and absolutely everything: furniture, amenities, Wi-Fi, space for recreation and study.

We sincerely offer separate rooms and the equal sharing opportunity, all based on the request of the students.

The cost of living and expenditure in Moscow and other Russian regions are varies, the company offers the affordable and reasonable rental price exclusively for students who come at our invitation.

Regarding accommodation in our dormitories, you can always write us an email or contact us in your comfortable way.
2022-02-01 13:00 Simatex EN