Simatex news

Mandatory rules for foreigners when arriving in Russia

Dear students,
Please take note of the official information regarding that foreign nationals entering the Russian Federation are required to complete mandatory dactyloscopy, medical examination and photographing procedures.

Fundamental stages and places of compulsory procedures:
- The first stage is to undergo a thorough medical examination at designated medical organisations (a detailed list is available at the SIMATEX office).
- The second stage is compulsory state fingerprint registration and photographing with the presentation of certified medical documents which confirming the results of medical examination. The list of territorial offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, where you can perform these procedures, we thoughtfully provide in the office of SIMATEX.

The exact period of validity of the medical examination document is 12 months from the date of issue!

SIMATEX obligingly asks you to bring the following crucial documents to the SIMATEX office:
- A copy of the dactyloscopy (fingerprinting) certificate
- A copy of the registration made on both sides of the sheet

You can also send your copies of essential documents by e-mail:

Those students who have already provided us with the copies are not necessary to send them again.

We would like you to bring to your attention about a very important piece of information, when you arrive in Russia, you are required to abide by the law to register for your migration within 7 working days. This is obligatory and must be carried out each time when you cross the border.

Please kindly bear in mind that if you are travelling to another city of Russia, you are officially registered when you check-in and staying at the hotel. Upon your return to Moscow, you MUST re-register with the migration service. All these personal informations will be keyed in to the common database! In the event that you return to Moscow but fail to make a new registration, you are violating the rules & regulations of staying in the Russian Federation. Subsequently, you will have to pay a fine and make a new registration eventually.

Pay immediate attention!
Your SIMATEX team
2022-12-16 10:00 Simatex EN