Simatex news

November 4 is the Day of National Unity

SIMATEX expert team congratulates students, partners, friends and like-minded people from the bottom of our heart on the Day of National Unity, a holiday that symbolises the idea of national unity and unity of all peoples regardless of religions & cultural background.

It is an official state holiday of Russia, the most multinational and diverse country, where the civilised society is united in it's great achievements, aspirations and unconditional love to it's beloved Motherland.

Today we genuinely congratulate everyone on the Day of National Unity and wish to announce that despite our differences, together we are strength & we are united by love, friendship, and true values! May friendship & unity have no borders, may dreams have no limits and goals have no obstacles.

Our accomplished team wishes each citizen to contribute to the prosperity of their country, their people and the world.

Good fortune, prosperity and love to your Home!

Study in Russia
2022-11-04 09:00 Simatex EN