Simatex news

The agreement between the governments of Russia and the Republic of Angola

The unanimous agreement between the governments of Russia and the Republic of Angola on mutual recognition and acknowledgement of education, qualifications and degrees was officially came into force.

According to the Ministry of Higher Education of Russia, the two countries will start to certify and recognise certificates and diplomas of secondary, secondary vocational, higher education, as well as academic degrees obtained in Russia and Angola respectively. The document that is provided for the recognition of higher medical and pharmaceutical education.

Now the majority number of Angolan students study in SIMATEX partner university - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

According to Oleg Yastrebov, the Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), there are more than 90 students from Angola study at the university. Angolan students choose to study for engineering, computer science, economics, chemistry and physics which are their most desired courses.

SIMATEX company is wholly-prepared and actively open to invite students from Republic of Angola to further their studies at leading Russian universities.
2022-01-17 15:00 Simatex EN