Simatex news

Admission of international students to RUDN is finally kicks off!

On 7th June, SIMATEX and RUDN University in cooperation with the Center for Interuniversity Cooperation between Russia and Iran meticulously organized and assembled a vast distance learning meeting with more than 200 bright applicants from Iran, where their parents were also present in this wonderful occasion.

At the remarkable meeting, there were presented a series of programs of the university for future intelligent foreign students, well-prepared presentation of advanced digital preparatory department for those who would like to continue their professional study in Russia in Russian.

SIMATEX company genially offered a full service for interested applicants: strategic preparation of essential documents for studying and obtaining a study visa. Our highly skilled team also paid attention to the slightest details like the fact that they will meet newly arrived students at the airport and admitted them to the dormitories.

RUDN and official administration of the Center for Interuniversity Cooperation between Russia and Iran fluently answered the questions raised by the caring parents and curious applicants through live broadcast.

The fantastic meeting was conducted at the Center's offices in the following cities of Iran: Tehran, Shiraz and Ahar.

Welcome to contact SIMATEX in Moscow if you have any critical questions concerning RUDN education.

Study in Russia
 +7 (903) 130-68-65

In Iran, you can also contact the offices of the Center for Interuniversity Cooperation between Russia and Iran for each and every question about studying at RUDN University:
+98 2188521037-38 (Tehran)
+98 7136264210 (Shiraz)
+98 4144220258 (Ahar)
2022-06-09 11:57 Simatex EN