Simatex news

Saratov State Medical University

Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University of SSMU plans to open an educational Virtual Clinic next spring. Such a clinic will open on the basis of the Clinical Center and the Multidisciplinary Accreditation and Simulation Center of the University.

SIMATEX company actively cooperates with the university, attracting foreign students for study. The new Virtual Clinic of SSMU will simulate all processes of professional activity, teach students to act in different situations and master practical skills using the latest medical equipment and robotic simulators. This will contribute to a high level of training of modern specialists in medicine.

“The creation of an educational Virtual Clinic is an important step towards achieving a high level of professionalism of our University graduates,” said Andrey Eremin, Rector of SSMU University.

SIMATEX invites international citizens to start their studies at SSMU University now. The Preparatory Faculty for foreign applicants opened at a favorable price with the best study conditions.

Apply for Russian universities, send documents to the mail:

2021-11-12 10:49 Simatex EN