Simatex news

SIMATEX team wishes a Happy New Year 2023!

SIMATEX team wishes it's highly valued partners and students a Happy New Year 2023!
Let the New Year come with amusing events and overcome all the difficulties of the forthcoming year.

May the troubles in the past be the necessary key components to strength and wisdom. After all, any difficulty is the starting of the way to great success.

We genuinely wish that 2023 will be a bright, magnificent and prosperous year. Hope that the brand new changes come only for the benefit of each of us and for the joyfulness of relatives and friends.

Our expert team wishes you professional growth so that people around you will see you as an unique and smart individual. The fresh new year is a stepping stone to promising achievements, interesting acquaintances and wholly new discoveries in life.

Let the chiming of the clock to be not only the beginning of the New Year, but also marking the beginning of the fulfillment of your wishes.

Happy New Year!
2022-12-31 10:00 Simatex EN