Simatex news

SIMATEX invites to study at the top-of-the-line university of Russia

SIMATEX courteously invites to study at the top-of-the-line university of Russia - Kazan Federal University KFU.

There are already 10 500 lively and passionate international students from more than a hundred countries around the world studying at the celebrated university.

Approximately 14 000 international students and students from other charming cities live in the homely dormitories of KFU

Institutes & Faculties

  • Natural sciences

  • Physics, mathematics, and IT

  • Economics and management

  • Humanities, social sciences, and law

  • Preparatory School for International Students

SIMATEX kindly accepts applications for studying at KFU

+7 (903) 130-68-65
2023-05-02 10:00 Simatex EN