Simatex news

Arab Cultural Club Opened at ChuvSU University

The Arab culture club was opened at the Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov (Chuv SU). It is a partner university of Simatex company, and the company constantly invites students from Arab countries to the university.
The first meeting of the club was at the end of November. And at this meeting, the topic of study was the country - Iraq.

The club was created for those who are interested in the culture of the Arab countries, who would like to learn more about the art, literature, customs and traditions of the Arab East. The club invites everyone who is ready to share their knowledge about the Arab world and help others in its study.

There are many students from the Arab East at ChuvSU University. Such a club will bring students closer to each other and especially new students who are open to new friends.
2021-12-10 15:58 Simatex EN