Simatex news

SIMATEX did presentation to keen applicants in Saudi Arabia

SIMATEX did marvellous presentation to keen applicants in Saudi Arabia.

Future brilliant students from Saudi Arabia were told in full details about the superior conditions of education in Russia, being introduced to the top-ranking universities and the variety of highly-rated academic programs.

Highly qualified Representative of SIMATEX also vividly presented a full spectrum of the company's first class services.

For international students we provide:

  • assistance in submitting legal documents for studying at any prominent Russian university

  • assistance in selecting the reptable university which diploma is widely recognized in your beloved country

  • assistance in getting invitation letter for student visa

  • airport pickup

  • assistance with pleasant accommodation

  • free consultation regarding any issues

Send application:

+7 (903) 130-68-65
2023-03-14 10:00 Simatex EN