Simatex news

Attention to international students! Mandatory state fingerprint registration

Dear Students!
According to the amendments to the Law from 01.07.2021 № 274- « About changes to he Federal Law «AboutlegalstatusofforeigncitizeninRussia» and «About governmental fingerprinting in Russia», foreign citizen, who arrived at Moscow after 29 of December SHOULD be:

1)   fingerprinted:
2)   photographed:
3)   medical examined.

Time frame for mentioned procedures:
Foreign citizens, who arrive at Russia for the term more then 90 days, should be fingerprinted, photographed and medical examined during 90 days from the date of entrance.

Stages and place where you can follow this procedures:
First stage – medical examination at special medical clinics.
List of this clinic you can find by the link:

Second stage – fingerprinting and photographing with the demonstration of medical certificate, which you got as a result of medical examination. Nearest to your accommodation place   territorial departments of Directorate- General Interior Ministry in Moscow you can find on a web-site of Ministry:

Validity period of following documents and certificate:
Fingerprinting and photographing is carried for free and onceregardless of number of entries.
Term of medical certificate – 90 days (3 months).

Legislation provide and responsibility for breaking the law. So, with respect to such person The Interior Ministry will decline the term of temporary stay in Russia. After this decision foreign citizen have to leave Russia during 3 days from that date.
2022-02-07 15:00 Simatex EN