Simatex news

Congratulations to SIMATEX partner universities

Congratulations from the bottom our heart to SIMATEX partner universities - Sechenov University and Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University - these well acclaimed and renowned universities have became winners of the competition for the special part of the "Priority 2030" program grant. These universities will receive additional grant support from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of 426 million rubles.

Sechenov University and N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University were profoundly honoured to be included in the second group of universities in the "Research leadership" track.

"We aspire to become a world-class leading medical research university by the year of 2030 and become one of the TOP-5 research universities in Russia," said Pyotr Glybochko, rector of the first Sechenov Medical University.

In summary, 46 universities were selected from 22 regions of Russia to become recipients of the special part of the "Priority 2030" program grant.
2022-01-14 11:00 Simatex EN