Simatex news

SIMATEX attends educational event "Summer University"

SIMATEX accomplished representatives were earnestly invited as guests of honour to the official opening ceremony of the magnificent annual educational event "Summer University", which takes place on the basis of MSU PP in Moscow.
This isn't the first time the project has been well organized with the contribution & support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.

Particularly more than 700 students from different countries participated in this superb event. For two weeks, passionate international students will obtain new knowledge, communicate with their peers and share their emotions on the cutting edge platforms of renowned Russian universities.

The mission and vision of SIMATEX is to attract as many international students as possible to pursue quality & first-rate study in Russia, to attract more enthusiastic students from all over the world to finest Russian universities. As well established partners, we are always open to any kind of significant events that will advance our plans and objectives further. We are especially grateful to our loyal partner MSU PP for the golden opportunity to learn about such amazing project as "Summer University", which international students from all over the world are contented to get involved in.

Study in Russia
+7 (903) 130-68-65
2022-07-19 10:00 Simatex EN