Simatex news

The Simatex team will answer all your questions. Our service 24\7

SIMATEX work for students 24/7. Pursue your professional study in Russia, as a great deal of our students from diverse countries did.

  • SIMATEX effectively supervises students throughout their precious years of study.

  • SIMATEX has successfully accumulated many years of experience and we are well acknowledged as one of the oldest and most reputable companies in the education market.

  • SIMATEX constantly advocates for students in any kind of difficult situation.

  • SIMATEX thoughtfully explain student's rights and counsel them to solve any problems efficiently.

For any questions, please contact us:

Registration questions:

General questions:

Questions about invitations:

Questions concerning enrollment:

Payment questions:

Study in Russia

+7 (903) 130-68-65
2023-05-10 10:00 Simatex EN