Simatex news

SIMATEX congratulates everyone who was united by Russia!

Today is also known as Russia Day - a meaningful holiday symbolizes pride, patriotism and unity for all citizens of the Russian Federation, this rich multinational country covering more than 17 million square kilometers long country.

SIMATEX team delightedly congratulates trusted partners, students, friends, comrades-in-arms and everyone who was totally united by Russia! Sincerely hope this vast and peaceful country may prosper and grant the equal opportunity to those who consider Russia his home, who studies or works here. We wish you utmost kindness, prosperity, and a sense of pride and warmth. May each and every faithful citizen who lives on this extraordinary land be profoundly proud of his homeland where his soul and heart feel the deepest emotions.

Happy Russia Day!

Study in Russia
 +7 (903) 130-68-65
2022-06-12 09:00 Simatex EN