Simatex news

The transfer to Saratov University open for students from Egypt!

The transfer to Saratov Medical University from other finest universities in Russia is legitimately open for keen students from Egypt!

In 2023, the Supreme Council of Universities of Egypt officially recognised Razumovskiy Saratov Medical University diplomas in medical fields of study.

SIMATEX will quickly transfer enthusiastic students without any single unnecessary hassle for the sake of precious students.

SIMATEX also invites students from Egypt to study at the MGMSU-Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. l. Evdokimov - the best medical university in Russia in dental specialists.

Our team is ready to accompany each applicant from preparing the documents to enrolling in the university.

All the students need is to contact us directly.

Our highly qualified team is always readily available 24/7

+7 (903) 130-68-65

2023-05-16 10:00 Simatex EN