Simatex news

Master in technologies for environment protection in Bauman University

Dear applicants!
SIMATEX company formally announces admission to the progressive preparatory department of Bauman University. After finishing the preparatory department, the applicant can enroll at the top-tier university as a bachelor student.
Bauman University cordially invites students to study for a master's degree and for the first time this academic year, the university thoughtfully opens a department in English to cater for inspired international students!



  • Computer modeling for solving critical problems of technosphere security
  • Technosphere safety
  • System analysis and modeling of processes in technosphere
  • Automation and reliability of protection systems. Environmental expertise of projects
  • The economics of environmental safety. Highly efficient heat and mass transfer devices
  • Intensive and combined biological wastewater treatment
  • Intensification of purification processes based on the use of filtration technologies
  • Innovative methods of analysis and risk management of industrial enterprises
  • Computer modeling of atmospheric processes
  • Reducing the negative impact of economic facilities on the environment

There are only limited places available, so don't waste valuable time and send your graduate school application by e-mail:
2022-08-02 10:16 Simatex EN